Village of Unadilla Blog

This page is set up to let residents know about whats going on in and around the village. It will be updated often with activities and events happening around the area. If you have something you would like to add to the blog, call or email the office and we will add it to the page.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC BID - Village of Unadilla, Otsego County, New York

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village of Unadilla will sell by public sealed bid the following parcel of real property owned by the Village, located on Kilkenny Street in the Village of Unadilla, Otsego County, New York:

Tax Map No.: 334.14-1-8.00
Size: 5.69 acres
Description: The property is irregular in shape and is suitable for potential development or acquisition by adjoining property owners.

Terms of Sale:

  1. The property will be sold as-is, subject to all easements, restrictions, and zoning regulations of record, and shall be sold by means of a Quit Claim Deed.
  2. The Village reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
  3. The successful bidder must submit a deposit of 10% of the winning bid amount at the conclusion of the auction, with the balance due upon closing.

Minimum Opening Bid:
The auction will begin with a minimum opening bid of $18,000.

Inspection of Property:
Interested parties may contact the Village Clerk’s office to arrange for an inspection of the property or to request additional information.

Submission of Sealed Bids:
Sealed bids will be accepted at the Village Clerk’s Office, located at 193 Main Street Unadilla NY 13849 until 4pm Monday April 14th 2025. All bids must include the bidder’s name, contact information, and the bid amount.

Additional Information:
The successful bidder will be required to execute a contract of sale immediately following the auction. Closing costs, including but not limited to transfer tax, filing fees, and attorney fees, will be the responsibility of the purchaser.

Dated: February 26, 2025

Kelly A. Jones, Village Clerk
Village of Unadilla
193 Main Street

Unadilla NY, 13849&nbsp