COVID-19 Update #6 April 24, 2020

April 23, 2020 Update #6
Residents of the Village of Unadilla and the Tri-Town Area: From David Welch Mayor of Unadilla
Welcome to week 9 of the Corvid 19 event. I know everyone is getting very anxious to get back to something close to normal. There are many signs that are pointing to an initial phase of reducing restrictions. The number of new cases of Corvid-19 in our area is slowing and hospitalizations are down. But, we are about 2 weeks away from looking at phase 1 of opening things up. Next week most hospitals in our area will be restarting their outpatient surgeries. It was explained in our meeting this morning that many people have been holding off seeing a doctor or going to the emergency room because of the virus and this could be putting them at even more risk for long term issues. If you are having issues or concerns about a health issue get it checked out ASAP there are protocols in place to protect you .

The wearing of masks in public places and social distancing will continue to be the primary safeguard from the virus for the foreseeable future. Try to support local businesses if you need to get something. You can find a list of businesses and hours of operations in our weekly E-Blast “Small Town Connects” to sign up give Clarissa a call at 369-3421 and she’ll get you on the list, a new blast comes out every Thursday with everything that’s going on in Sidney, Bainbridge, and Unadilla.

1Area Updates:As many of you have heard the Canoe Regatta has been cancelled for this year as has the Sidney Home Town Parade. As for Unadilla, the Memorial Day parade has now been cancelled but services at the cemeteries will be held while following the current guidelines. The Flag Day Parade on June 14th and the July Carnival of Sales on July 11th will also not be held this year.

2Area Services Available,Please take advantage of them if you need them.

3Unadilla Community Food Pantry,across from the Family Dollar is Open: Monday, Friday, Saturday 11:00-12:30 Curbside service during Covid-19 Contact: Claudia Jenkins. 563-7713

4OMH Emotional Support Helpline: 1-844-863-9314,*The Emotional Support Helpline provides free and confidential support, helping callers experiencing increased anxiety due to the coronavirus emergency. The Helpline is staffed by volunteers, including mental health professionals, who have received training in crisis counseling.

5Support your community:Wipe Out Corvid-19 Virtual 5K Walk/Run Dates: May 23 -31,2020 Cost: $30 – get a T-shirt with your registration. The week of the race we will be having a bunch of fun contests to have everyone be engaged. With your registration fee you get a virtual 5k shirt and you will be automatically entered to win the gift certificates that are being purchased with the proceeds from the 5K. For More information :
Be Calm, Be Safe, Stay Home
David Welch Mayor of Unadilla

​CORVID-19 Update #5 April 8, 2020

​April 08th 2020 Update #5
Residents of the Village of Unadilla and the Tri-Town Area: From David Welch Mayor of Unadilla
Good Morning. Here’s an update as we approach the end of week four of our stay at home order. Our weekly meeting via phone conference with the area Mayors, Supervisors, Superintendents, Hospital Admin, Police, and EMS went well. We are all dealing as best we can to meet our obligations while staying as safe as possible. We are receiving updates from the counties on quarantined COVID-19 cases and they are starting to grow. Otsego County now has 34 confirmed cases and they confirmed the first COVID case in the town of Unadilla this week. The new CDC advice to wear a mask in public places has been made. The number of cases has doubled in the last week. As you have heard this week could be the peak week for the state for the number of new cases and deaths. Unfortunately that doesn’t mean we can let our guard down next week. In fact now is the time to be even more attentive. We now have positive COVID people in our area and probably many others who are positive and don’t know it.

The key continues to be stay at home or on your property as much as possible. If you go out, treat everyone that you meet like they are carrying the virus. (A carrier can have no symptoms and still have the virus) Do this by keeping at least 6 feet away from them. If you must go out for food shopping or the drug store, be sure to wash your hands or use sanitizer before, during, and after your trip and wear a mask or scarf.

I would like to recognize, congratulate and thank everyone that is following the new guidelines. Yesterday as I went around the village everyone I saw was following the distance guidelines and about 75% had masks on going into stores or the Post Office.

I would like to bring up that with the reduced traffic on the roads that doesn’t mean the SPEED LIMT has changed. In fact you need to be extra careful driving as many people are walking, biking and children playing in or near the road. Going through the village at a high rate of speed is not cool. I have received reports of increased pedestrian and bicycles accidents throughout the state in the last couple of weeks. Be Careful, Please…..

The village is planning a public hearing for the budget and a board meeting for April 14th to be broadcast on Facebook. Keep an eye out for the announcement as how you can tune in and get the information. We are extending the due dates for the water bills till April 28, 2020. To keep up with what’s going on in our area get your e-mail to the village clerk and you will receive a weekly update e-mail blast. Call the office if you have questions 369-3421.
If you run a small business and need information on the SBA loan and grant program please contact the office.
Be Calm, Be Safe, Stay Home
David Welch Mayor of Unadilla

​CORVID-19 Update #4 March 30, 2020

March 30th 2020 Update #4
Residents of the Village of Unadilla and the Tri-Town Area:
From David Welch Mayor of Unadilla
Good Morning. I thought I’d give everyone an update as we start week three of our stay at home order. Last week I met via phone conference with the area Mayors, Supervisors, Superintendents, Hospital Admin, Police, and EMS. We are all dealing as best we can to meet our obligations while staying as safe as possible. We are receiving updates from the counties on quarantined COVID-19 cases and they are starting to grow. Otsego County now has 14 confirmed cases and they confirmed the first death from COVID last week.

The county has also requested that people from down state not come to their second homes unless they quarantine themselves for 14 days. Also, that residents that have gone to the NYC area to visit anyone self-quarantine for 14 days after returning. I hope that all residents are asking themselves if going out of the house is really necessary. If what you want to do is really worth the potential of contracting this bug and passing it on to a friend or loved one. The next 2 weeks are going to be critical to the progression COVID-19. The numbers will continue to grow sharply. The key right now is to stay at home or on your property as much as possible. If you go out, treat everyone that you meet like they are carrying the virus. (A carrier can have no symptoms and still have the virus) Do this by keeping at least 6 feet away from them. If you must go out for food shopping or the drug store, be sure to wash your hands or use sanitizer before, during, and after your trip. As hard as this situation is, it’s everyone’s responsibility not to pass this on and this includes children. All it takes is one exposed person to spread it to a whole family. You could get the mild case and recover quickly or you could be in the hospital in a few days fighting for your life. Do you want to take the chance? Think about your actions.

The village has to keep doing its business so we are planning a public hearing for the budget and a board meeting for later this month to be broadcast on Facebook. Keep an eye out for the announcement as to when and how you can tune in and get the information. We are extending the due dates for the water bills till April 28, 2020. To keep up with what’s going on in our area get your e-mail to the village clerk and you will receive a weekly update e-mail blast. Call the office if you have questions 369-3421.
Last I like to say, the more we stay home, sooner the virus will run out of hosts and slow down.
Be Calm, Be Safe, Stay Home
David Welch Mayor of Unadilla

​CORVID-19 Update #3 March 20, 2020

​March 20th 2020 Update #3
Residents of the Village of Unadilla and the Tri-Town Area:
From David Welch Mayor of Unadilla
I hope by this time everyone is doing what is needed to keep your family, your neighbors, and your community safe. As of this writing there are no reported cases in Otsego county. The key word is reported cases. There are not enough test kits to test all that should be tested and the tests are taking days to come back from the approved labs. Bassett has announced that they will only be testing people in the hospital with symptoms. The key right now is to stay at home or on your property. If you go out, treat everyone that you meet like they are carrying the virus. (A carrier can have no symptoms and still have the virus) Do this by keeping at least 6 feet away from them. If you must go out for food shopping or the drug store, be sure to wash your hands or use sanitizer before, during, and after your trip. As hard as this situation is, it’s everyone’s responsibility not to pass this on and this includes other children. All it takes is one exposed person to spread it to a whole family. Reference the Fusco family in New Jersey that a couple of weeks ago had a friend come to a family dinner and today the friend, mother, two brothers, and a sister are dead and 3 more are in critical condition with 19 more quarantined awaiting results of testing. Also remember there are no magic pills or cures for this.

In the last few days the village has been monitoring the Governor’s requests. We have closed our office to the public as well as the library. Please check the websites and Facebook for updates. I have closed the kid,s park next to the community house and the RDC field for pick- up games and practices. If you want to take a walk or walk the dog you’re fine. The village crew is still working but may have reduced hours. If you have a water emergency please call the office number 607-369-3421. Our Fire and EMS service is prepared to serve if there is an emergency, call 911. With everyone working on reduced hours or not in the office, it is taking a little longer to resolve issues and get answers. We are doing our collective best to be as efficient as possible during this situation.

Enough of the doom and gloom how about some good news…
The village and town together applied for a community development block grant in September and we found out yesterday that we were awarded $500,000. These grants are used to fix up homes for folks that income qualify. It will be a month or so to get things started but watch our social media for updates. The village got its fiscal and environmental stress scores from the state. These scores rate how the village is doing against a range of factors and assign points based on how good or bad you score in each category. The range is 0-100 with 100 being extreme stress. The village scored a 5 vs 37.9 in 2017 for fiscal stress and a 30 vs 40 in 2017 for environmental. Environmental rates on population and property values. You can find out more on the NYS Comptroller web site.
Last I like to say the less we all go out the sooner the virus will run out of hosts and slow down.
Be Calm, Be Safe, Stay Home
David Welch Mayor of Unadilla

CORVID-19 Update #2 March 17, 2020

​March 17th 2020 Update #2
Residents of the Village of Unadilla and the Tri-Town Area:
From David Welch Mayor of Unadilla
It’s been 3 days so I thought I’d give you an update on where we stand. There has been a lot of information and closings going on and I want you to be up to speed on everything. By now I hope everyone has a better grasp on why the government, Federal, State, and Local, are doing the things they are doing. Everyone should be hunkering down at home and not going away from home unless it’s necessary. Necessary should mean for work or food. If you do go out you should try to avoid crowds of 10 or more and keep a social distance of 6 to 10 feet. This is important for everyone, as everyone could be a carrier and transmit the virus. This includes kids to seniors. It’s your responsibly to your family and neighbors, you don’t want to be the carrier to infect your grandparents or parents by not following the protocols in place.

As a lot of you are already aware school is closed for the next 4 weeks. I know that trying to keep the kids busy during this time is going to be a challenge. The Village has closed its office to the public but the clerks are still working either from home or occasionally from the office. If you need something from the office please leave a message on the phone 607-369-3421 or the village e-mail and your request will be answered within two business days. If you have a water emergency call the office number above or call me at 607-287-7393 we will get you taken care of promptly. You can drop off water payments through the Mail slot in the building’s front door. The library is closed so watch for more information on Facebook and the villages pages. I have asked that the village parks be closed for pick-up games and practices and for the kids playground at the community house to be closed until further notice. These closures will not affect the walking and hiking trails for now. The Village elections are being postponed until April 28th. I have met with the Fire Department  and Emergency squad and they have put into place protocols suggested by the state and county health departments. If you have a fire or medical emergency please call 911. Be aware that both agencies are prepared to respond to your emergency but as part of the response will be asking a few more questions to better protect our first responders.

I ask everyone to think about your older neighbors and family. Make sure they have what they need to stay at home as much as possible. If you are going to a food store offer to pick up things that could keep them home and safer. Let them know they can call you if they need something or have a question as many may not have internet access.
Last some advice, suddenly being told to stay home and away from friends and family, not being able to work or go to your favorite hangout, and having everyone in one place for multiple days is very stressful. As a Semi- Retired person I learned early on you need to have a reason to get up every morning. I suggest before going to bed at night make a plan for what you’re going to do for the next couple of days. If you’re like me you have a honey-do list with 100 things on it. Try to knock off a couple of items. For the kids I’m seeing a lot of things popping up on Facebook and other sites that could give them some structured time. If you have suggestions for others leave some comments below.
Let’s continue working together, staying calm, buying only what we need, and following the CDC guidance.
Thank You
David Welch
Mayor Unadilla


Residents of the village of Unadilla and the Tri-Town area: From David Welch, Mayor of Unadilla
It looks like all of us will be tested in the next few weeks. The COVD-19 virus is doing its world tour and will undoubtedly affect our area. How we all handle this situation is going to be extremely important. I wanted to assure you that all of your local leaders are taking this seriously and are taking all precautions possible to minimize the viruses spread. On Friday all local leaders met and discussed the situation. All were in agreement that as important information becomes available we will be placing it on our web sites, Facebook pages, e-mail blasts, WCDO radio, and to keep in touch with each other. As of this writing there are no confirmed cases in our immediate area so that gives us all a little more time to start changing our habits to make everyone safer.

First I’d like to ask everyone to be calm. There is a lot of information going around some of it really good and some …. Well let’s just say some people are going to have a lot of toilet paper and hand sanitizer left when this settles down. Be reasonable in what you’re purchasing if the shelves are empty because someone is buying more than they need it just makes everyone  less safe because others can’t get what they need to be safe.
Next help to protect yourself and others follow the CDC guidance. Wash your hands or use sanitizer regularly, don’t touch your face after coming in contact with unknown surfaces, cough into your elbow, follow social distancing stay 6 feet away from unknown people, clean public surfaces regularly….. these and others will help you minimize your chance of getting the virus.

Next VERY IMPORTANT It’s up to you to minimize the viruses spread. If you develop any of the symptoms (fever, cough) don’t put off calling your doctor or if you need to get tested Call the Basset / Fox hot line 607-547-5555 to get directions on what to do. Do not go to the Emergency Room for a test without calling first. When you do go you will be given instructions on what to do next. This is a big responsibility on your part If you feel sick protect your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers by staying home and seeking medical attention.
Next keep an eye on your friends and neighbors. If someone is quarantining themselves the best place for them is at home but they may need groceries or supplies see if you can help or call someone that may be able to help.
If everyone works together, stays calm, and changes there habits a little I know we can get through this test and be a better community for it.
Thank You
David Welch  
Mayor Unadilla

Unatego School Info

From the Unatego School website........
Otsego County Department of Health closes all county schools
At the direction of the Otsego County Department of Health, apparently all districts in Otsego County, including Unatego, were told to close for two weeks, beginning Monday, March 16. Although we have not been notified by Otsego County at this time it is our understanding this applies to Unatego as well. Therefore, Unatego will be closed Monday, March 16 through Friday, March 27. We apologize for the lateness of this message but wanted to get this out to you in a timely manner. If you have questions, please call the District Office on Monday.

Important Info from Tri Town Hospital


New Brush Policy

The Village of Unadilla offers brush permits through Waste Recovery in Sidney to all Village Residents. Please stop in the office to get one. Brush Permit allows Residents to dispose of brush once per year: 
6 cu. yd max per resident (1 1/2 pickup truck load)
Including hedge clippings, vines, twigs
Nothing over 4" in diameter
No Leaves or Grass Clippings
No large whole trees
No Stumps

New Solar LED School Signs and Traffic Pattern around the School

New LED School Speed signs were installed this fall and have been in operations for a few months. Theses were purchased with a grant from the Unadilla Community Foundation (Thank You). We have also made Teller Street from Depot Street to Nobel Street and Noble Street exiting on to Main Street a One Way Street to have a better and safer traffic flow around the School. The pull off in front of the school is for drop off and pick up only and if the area is full cars should not delay traffic on Main Street. Short term parking is available at the corner of Main and Depot street

School Opens watch your speed in front of the School 20 MPH

Check out School/Safety for more information